You already nailed it when you mentioned that their biggest emabssy in the world was in Iraq...a country where they have spend two decades marshalling regional chaos, death and destruction across the middle east:


So what you are showing is indeed an embassy: their Embassy of Death and Destruction for the near east/West Asia.

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The Twitter version of the video has a full transcript on the screen, including a translation of the Lebanese journalist. Perhaps you could reload that version to this substack page.


Thanks for this excellent report. Never heard mention of this new building before.

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A new 'Green Zone' (Bagdad, Iraq) in Western Asia? :)

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I'm only able to understand what Hasan Illaik is saying through the transcript button. Any chance it can appear onscreen with clean formatting?

And thank you for this great work. It does strike me that if a country is in the US' crosshairs, it either has the choice of becoming a vassal state or suffering various forms of sabotage and coercion for their insolence, be it of an economic (e.g. Iran, Syria), military (Syria, Iraq to name a few) or institutional (Romania) nature. Or as Harold Pinter put it when summarizing US foreign policy: kiss my arse or I'll kick your head in.

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Embassy with 5000 staff yeah right.



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About the interview with Hasan Illaik in particular, no translation is available now because no transcript is available, nor subtitles.

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