Thanks Craig. Will upgrade to paid shortly. If not for you what would I ever know about the region, so thanks. Your stuff is excellent. That building is quite obviously government headquarters. So we now have to US in control of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Saudi, Emirates, Iraq and soon, no doubt, Iran. Has that not been the game plan all along? Pretty sinister looking architecture. Looks like a modern day crusader fort to me.

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It would seem that the United States plans to run the middle east from its outrageously huge new complex in Lebanon! What other reason could there possibly be for dominating a whole hill with buildings sufficient to house over 5,000 staff?

Are you sick and tired of the exceptionalism which has caused endless wars, resource grabbing and displacement of indigenous people?

I am.

It is more than evident that the Black Nobility international crime syndicate which has captured all 5-Eyes countries is progressing apace with its GAP + CORE binary worldview.

Remember what I discovered in 2005?


The Pentagon Brief means that the GAP is being depopulated into the CORE and we can expect more war, more genocide and much more migration.

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It’s clearly the headquarters for US government’s peace, democracy and freedom campaigns in the Middle East.

They love sharing, collaborating and educating.

They share torture methods on vulnerable, unrepresented people; they collaborate with terrorist organisations to destabilise and usurp unwanted national leaders, and so educate the entire world on what a hegemonic, unrestrained empire looks like in the 21 Century.

Thanks for your reporting Craig, astounding.

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on the 23rd I had the word "Cypriot" & it echoed "riot" as I opened my eyes. <-- those are different sounds, the "iots" eh? The dream I was in, was only unusual in that it had modern people in common corporate suits. I have a very well developed lucid dreamscape, & modern corporate is not normal there. 23rd this last week. The first image i got when plugged into the computer videos [that may have played while i slept]: "The Smuggler's Song" by Rudyard Kipling with a very nice image of the back of horses, in "inverse" color. & here you are showing some more. Stark changes in dreams I remember, even made my own little drawing of a postcard.

Thank you kindly from N.C. outside of Fort Bragg.

_Cherish is the new love, be well._ °Cherish° "Fondly remembered, best left unspoken."

*May God nod to ward thee & thine!"

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This excellent 15-minute video, alone, demonstrates that no president, no politician, no one, is ever coming in to make something good again, or to follow through on whatever ridiculous jargon is used. The U.S. is the ultimate participant in the international crime syndicate.

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